Thursday, July 30, 2015


I believe that, one of the biggest challenges in the church at the moment is our misunderstanding of what unity is about.
We are so worried about disunity that, we try to overcompensate by making everyone behave as the same people. But we are not.
God is so dynamic that, he even makes every single snowflake unique from each other.
We are beautifully made different for a purpose;
It is quite easy to love yourself. However, love is truly tested when you have to love someone who is completely different from you.
We are supposed to be color blind, but not colorless. Meaning, we should embrace our differences and yet synergize them to the point where they almost don't exist anymore.
God made different races. Should we recognize our differences? Yes!
What should we do with it? Use it. We are from different tribes with unique mannerisms for the sole purpose of variety and beauty. Let's recognize and utilize these specific gifts for specific tasks whiles maintaining the inderlining fact that, in Christ, there is neither Jew nor Greek.
Let's not fear our differences to the point of trying to make every one as the same as possible. It defeats God's original intent of " let every nation and every tribe" . We are the same spirit, manifested in different forms and shapes, colors and races. Be proud to be YOU! Unique and one of a kind. Relevant and essential.
God bless you for your audience.
~Doc Sam Tinagyei

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Somewhere last year, when doctors went on strike over unpaid allowances, lots of Ghanaians, educated and uneducated, rich and poor and even some young people on this platform took up arms, lambasted and castigated and even insulted all health workers with very unsavory terms. Now, today, doctors have not been paid for 11 months, they have to picket and cue up at the finance ministry all day, to be heard and yet these same freedom fighters who were very loud last year are now suffering from temporary deafness and dumbness.

 To these people, I say, SHAME ON YOU!

 You have demonstrated the fullest extent of your hypocrisy. When it affected you, it was unfair, inhumane and unacceptable. Now it doesn't so it is not worth pursuing. Laugh at yourself. A nation that does not care for its citizens, will rue the day, its citizens abandon it. Laugh at yourself, because if you allow the flood waters to take your neighbor, don't forget it is coming for you too. Laugh at yourself, our nation is only surviving on its last breaths and we are sitting down, staring. Laugh at yourself, no one will come and save us, we better do it ourselves. 

But stop laughing at yourself, get up and fight for justice and equity. Get up and get to work. Ghana can only be saved by Ghanaians. The choice is still ours.


There is a nation that treats its citizens with impunity. Where leaders publicly declare and boast of their new abilities to be completely unmoved by the plight of its people. Where medical officers who are expected to make life and death decisions 24 hrs a day are left unpaid for 11 months and almost every supposed social freedom and human rights fighter is completely silent but will immediately find their voices and spew lots of crap ( forgive my french) as soon as these medical officers go on strike. Where public institutions can declare the amount of money they have squandered or wasted with a straight face completely unashamed because they are affiliated to the sitting government. A nation where electricity and water are no more basic amenities but special privileges and rare opportunities. 

But i see a people who are ready to turn this particular nation around. People who are burdened with the very plight of the land and are genuinely passionate about seeing a positive change. People who will not be bought with money and political favors but will be energized by the true spirit of patriotism not a superficial confession of affiliation to a confused ideology.
A new breed of young leaders, business people, students, workers, technicians, artisans, entertainers, spiritual leaders and public servants who live, breathe, sleep and think about this nation and how it can rise from the doldrums of mediocrity, nepotism, corruption and impoverishment.
A new group of people who are not bothered about titles but focused on results. A people who will stand and declare, even in the face of opposition and passivity, that we will impact our generation with all we have whether we are publicly acknowledged or not. 

I also have a dream, but i refuse to leave it as a dream. I call on this new breed of young leaders to wake up from their slumber, shake off the dust of mediocrity and apathy and pick up their tools.
We cannot allow this nation to continue on its free fall. Remember, we are the purported future leaders who will eventually have to take responsibility for whatever is left of this nation.
So what will it be? The choice is ours to make.