Monday, August 24, 2015


Magnificent Monday!
Beloved, your transformation will be largely influenced by your associations!
You cannot have proximity with people and not experience influence. It is essential to remember that, eventually, you become the product of the five people closest to you. In effect, the people you keep around you predict the person you will become. It makes sense then for the wise man to say in Proverbs 13:20 that;
Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.

Have you noticed that most poor people have poor friends and vice versa? Unfortunately, misery likes company and hence the status quo continues.
Friend, never underestimate the influence of the company you keep. If you desire a brighter future, associate yourself with people who are already there or are clearly focussed on getting there.
Don't be sidetracked by public opinion or mediocre expectation. Set yourself apart and become great.
~Doc Sam Tinagyei

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Today I woke up with the answer to one of the very worrying questions I have been asking for while.
" Why do some people completely trivialize or disrespect other people and their gifts?
The answer was so very simple and precise it left me in awe.
It is simply this; You have not been called to everyone or to every situation. Do not keep casting your pearls before those who are not meant to appreciate you. In fact do not bother to explain, appeal to or convince them. They are not in the realm of your assignment. So what is the next move?
Walk away from them. Stop calling, texting and trying to catch their attention. Just move on and go find your constituency. Leave the place of tolerance and find your place of celebration.
It will help you to stop worrying and wondering why. That is the only place you can thrive and grow.
I have come to realize that, untill you find your place of celebration, your gift will not shine.
Seek your place and minister your gift. Have a great week.
~Doc Sam Tinagyei

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Sometimes our present conditions or even past experiences create in us a pessimistic outlook to life. We reason that, the future will be an exact or perhaps a similar picture of the past and present. We sometimes find it difficult to look beyond the pain, worry and difficulties. However, the word of God consistently assures us of a brighter tomorrow and a better future. It is easy to believe this because in the begining when God created everything in its untainted purity, he pronounced it is good. This same God is promising you that, your future will be good. He is the God that changeth not and His promises are true and Amen. He assures us with this ;

Isaiah 43:2
"2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you."

He is closer than a brother and better than seven sons.
Rest assured in His word. Listen to this too;
Romans 8:28
28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."
His purpose is to bring you to an expected end. He is a good God and your future will be a good one.
~Doc Tinagyei

Saturday, August 15, 2015


The worst enemy of success is not failure, that is unavoidable. The worst enemy of success is the fear of failure. Just like any great musician, if you are not ready to pick up the microphone, you will never know if you can sing the song. Without breaking a few eggs, you most certainly cannot prepare the omelette. Failure is not a bad thing. In fact you should desire to fail fast in order to reach success in the shortest possible time. The lessons failing teach you will become the building blocks with which you will build your success story. Unfortunately, many people are so paralyzed by the fear of failure that, they do not even dare to try.
There is no guarantee that you will hit a target anytime you shoot at it. Hunters and archers know this but they also know that, there is a 50% chance of hitting every time they shoot. They also know that, if you do not shoot at all, you have a 100% chance of failure.
Most of the time, all you need to overcome the innertia or resistance of this fear is to step up and take a chance. No overthinking or over analysing. As long as there is no risk to life or health, do not waste any more time. Step up, step out and just do it.
To quote a piece of wisdom from Marianne Williamson, our worst fear is not that we are inadequate, our worst fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
Get up, break the chains of fear and make your mark.
~Doc Sam Tinagyei

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Mind your MIND!

Imagine someone bursts into your living room early in the morning carrying a bin full of refuse and dump them on your woolen carpet. What would you do to that person? Well, your guess is as good as mine and I'm pretty sure, this person might end up in jail or on admission at the hospital. Unfortunately we allow people to dump "refuse" in our minds almost everyday and we do nothing about it. Through television programs, radio, smart phones and the internet, we give total access to all manner of content to find accommodation in our minds without any deliberate effort to filter or monitor. Pessimistic, coarse, uncouth and even blasphemous words, music, pictures, videos and shows are given unrestricted access to our minds and by extension our lives.
The mind is the factory of our future. It is the place where the seeds of thought are generated. Our thoughts determine our decisions, our decisions produces our actions and our actions create our future. If we are careful to provide security for our homes and offices, why should we leave our minds without protection. Protect your mind by being thoroughly selective and circumspect in the content you allow to enter your mind. Guard it with all your heart. Remember, whatsoever a man thinketh, that he is.
~Doc Sam Tinagyei