Magnificent Monday!
Beloved, your transformation will be largely influenced by your associations!
You cannot have proximity with people and not experience influence. It is essential to remember that, eventually, you become the product of the five people closest to you. In effect, the people you keep around you predict the person you will become. It makes sense then for the wise man to say in Proverbs 13:20 that;
Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.
Have you noticed that most poor people have poor friends and vice versa? Unfortunately, misery likes company and hence the status quo continues.
Friend, never underestimate the influence of the company you keep. If you desire a brighter future, associate yourself with people who are already there or are clearly focussed on getting there.
Don't be sidetracked by public opinion or mediocre expectation. Set yourself apart and become great.
~Doc Sam Tinagyei
Beloved, your transformation will be largely influenced by your associations!
You cannot have proximity with people and not experience influence. It is essential to remember that, eventually, you become the product of the five people closest to you. In effect, the people you keep around you predict the person you will become. It makes sense then for the wise man to say in Proverbs 13:20 that;
Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.
Have you noticed that most poor people have poor friends and vice versa? Unfortunately, misery likes company and hence the status quo continues.
Friend, never underestimate the influence of the company you keep. If you desire a brighter future, associate yourself with people who are already there or are clearly focussed on getting there.
Don't be sidetracked by public opinion or mediocre expectation. Set yourself apart and become great.
~Doc Sam Tinagyei