young, savvy, making a mark with African values and an open mind for changing global trends.
Friday, January 15, 2021
Are Sure You Are Ready?
Golden Seeds of Life: Guard your space
The most critical skill a vision carrier must master is the ability to navigate the quagmire of hypocrisy, discouragement and self seeking selfishness disguised under the canopy of "friendship" and "concern". She also needs the alertness to steer clear of the sand dunes of dream killing and mediocre detractors whose complete mentality is to bring others down to their limit; the barest floor. A vision carrier must be as gentle as a dove, but as cunning as a serpent in order to carry their dream to full term. I will say this again and again. You have to be extremely careful about the people you allow into your innermost circle. The ones you allow to have an influence on you, your goals and your plans. The ones you tell your dreams to. Some are only there and appear to support you as long as you don't try anything big or glorious. Try anything that intimidates their mediocre mentality and they will discourage you! Stay away from fair weather friends. Guard your sanity and your destiny. Instead, look for dream builders and vision helpers. Look for path lighters and catalysts of success. They are the ones who will become your support systems, your enablers and constituents. Guard your inner space very diligently.
Golden Seeds of Life: Take Action
Getting an idea is not anything new.Talking about them is fine too. Everyone does that. Getting up and going to work on it, now that is what makes the difference. People do not name schools, hospitals, foundations and monuments after just great speech makers, they do that for great change makers.
I discovered a while back that, there are two major types of pain in life. We experience by our actions and inactions. They are the pain of discipline and the pain of regret. The former weighs ounces and the latter weighs tones. Since pain is basically inevitable, which would you rather have? That of discipline or regret? Would you commit yourself to discipline, take action and have the success you desire or you would lazy about, procrastinate and experience the pain of regret? It is your choice to make. Choose action.