Sunday, June 26, 2011


A choice can be defined as an act of choosing, the right or ability to choose, a range from which to choose or something chosen.
Choosing has a link with decision making. Before you opt for something, it is assumed that what you have decided on is the best you can lay hands on. Unfortunately, we forget that choice making deals with our will power. We forget who we are and therefore blindly take decisions without consultation or conviction.
Humanity has been trained in a way to look away from one’s faults in the zeal of seeing to the well being of others. How pathetic?
Let’s ask ourselves what we make of people who mess up when they are presented with real chances to make a head way?
Yet we look at others with judgmental eyes forgetting are in this together.
We blame Adam and Eve for eating of the Tree of Good and of Evil yet what do we do when we just have to tell a simple truth, we justifiably tell a lie and think we are smart and think we are better off than others… well this is a food for thought…
If we happen to hear a freshly baked cake has been rejected by a beloved for stale burnt cake all will be quick to point fingers. It sounds strange and we would strongly criticize this person thinking he has lost his head which is in fact true...
Well it is sad to say that we are faced with choices each and every day of our lives and most of us end up making the wrong choices. Why and How? Because of IGNORANCE and PRIDE, we have decided to reject freshly baked cake which is the nourishment to our growth. Just like our spiritual beings, we need the WORD as guidelines to our spiritual growth. I am talking about things like Christian Literatures, Christian Messages, Christian Music and all the other materials that would help speed up our growth and nourish us. But we rather end up choosing the stale burnt cake which represents our evil desires and other activities which corrupt our minds.
The consequence of these bad choices is spiritual sickness and slow death. Is high time we swallowed our PRIDE to clarify our identity as Christians. It is time we reject the stale burnt cake for the freshly baked cake.


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