Thursday, February 2, 2012

It is called a principle

Giving is a way of life. A lifestyle that is based on a foundational principle that God gave to the Israelites and which Jesus taught and lived here on earth. Giving is not a an experimental spiritual exercise or the evidence of the a higher form of spirituality, it is the most direct characteristic of a citizen of the kingdom of God who is aware of the principles of this kingdom and has the faith to live them. The principle of sowing and reaping has been taught, explained, presented, edited and demonstrated by almost all the various forms of religions, cults and movements in the world. Some call it karma, others call it investment and some still call it the universal law, regardless of whatever name it is called, the principle remains the same: whatsoever you sow, you shall reap. This foundational principle is woven into the very fabric of nature and man. Every living thing and system operates on the principle of sowing and reaping, giving and receiving, putting in and getting back. This is most significant in the plant world. Trees give out oxygen and take in carbon dioxide. They take in nutrients and give out food. As soon as the tree stops doing these things, it dies. This is the same for animals and human beings. We take in oxygen from the plants and produce carbon dioxide for the plants. When one stops giving out carbon dioxide or stops taking in oxygen, death eventually occurs. This then is the representation of the principle of giving and taking, an abrogation of which results in decay and death. The spiritual version of this principle is even more interesting. God gave his only begotten son to the world and through His death, He got back many children who are being perfected into the image of Christ. Jesus gave his life and won back humanity from the bondages of sin. You and I give our life to Jesus and He gives us eternal life. This is also the principle of giving and receiving. In every case, there is the giving and then the receiving.
This principle is most significant in material and financial matters; unfortunately it is also the area where the children of the kingdom are most ignorant. The bible is explicit in Malachi 3:10.
This is God calling His children to exercise this principle. Unfortunately most people do not hear this invitation, and even amongst those who hear, many are unwilling or are too faithless to exercise it. Giving is sowing a seed. A seed which will eventually grow, produce leaves, bud and produce fruit. It takes time to produce fruit, but produce, it will. Money is seed. Time is seed. Service is seed. So is love, patience, hard work, perseverance and so many other things. A form of this principle is Tithing.
Tithing is an obligation, a responsibility, a giving back to God, what He already owns. God is asking us to give back to him what belongs to him, one tenth of our increase. He wants us to sow a seed in his super fertile vineyard where we can be guaranteed a most bountiful harvest. Many people however, want this harvest but are unwilling to sow any seed. We respect the physical principles of sowing before reaping as far as agriculture is concerned but confidently ignore its spiritual existence in giving and tithing. Why is this? Why are the children of the kingdom wallowing in poverty and lack whiles people of the world are becoming rich? Simple! They understand the principle and are benefiting from it. That is what a principle is about. It applies everywhere, regardless of who and where. So why should we whose father is the originator of this principle not benefit from it? Why should we not sow and reap bountifully. Why should we not tithe and have the windows of heaven open for us?
God is calling us back to possession. He is inviting us back to exercise this foundational principle. The Bible says,” give and it shall be given back to you, pressed down, shaken together, running over, shall men pour into your bosom”. Some people are not being blessed because they do not know how to exercise this principle. God blesses us so that we can become a blessing for others. However most people become selfish with these blessings and obviously they cut off the source. Remember without sowing, there cannot be reaping. It is as simple as that.
Finally let us remember that He who gives seed to the sower and bread for food, will supply and multiply the seed that you sow and He will increase the fruits of your righteousness.

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