Monday, July 30, 2012

late at night

we should take it slow
one day at a time
we know it won't be easy
and sometimes we won't be fine
and this feels crazy
like we drunk with wine
but when i look into your eyes
and see how they shine
and then you smile and
I'm speechless for a while
you whisper in my ears
and drown all my fears
some days you might shed a tear

and i may be far, and not near
sometimes we might have a fight
and you cannot stand my sight
but we know we will make it
cos we won't fake it
hold my hand now
and please baby, don't frown
i got you girl
And you got me as well
lets build this together
best friends forever
lovers wherever
and when we walk late at night
with the stars in our sights
our hearts beating as one
a woman, with her man
a man, with her woman
you are mine,
and we know, we will be fine.

by Sam Tinagyei 2012

Ultimate Motivation No Excuses

When I Became a Man

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

quote and unquote

you can download "Quote and Unquote at

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


In this day and age of extreme emotional shallowness and selfishness, both young men and women must be very careful not to be taken advantage of. i put together this small note to advise young people and equip them to spot the pretenders in their lives. Ladies who take advantage of nice  and sensitive guys are called EMOTIONAL VAMPIRES and they like to use these guys as EMOTIONAL DUSTBINS.

They might say nice things about your character and how nice you are to them and all, but deep down, they see you as a wimp and just there for them to dump their emotional baggage on. Yes! that is the painful truth. I know you are shaking your head and insisting i am wrong, but deep down you know it is truth. No matter how you try to rationalize or explain it away, you are rejecting this truth because it cuts straight to your heart. how many times have you given that advice to that friend of yours to wise up and yet she keeps going after the same  "insensitive and wicked" guy she claims have hurt and cheated on her? remember, women are the intuitive ones. they are the ones who spot the fakes before men are even aware there is something amiss. They know who the bad guys are. They may ignore the signs and try to rationalize and be optimistic and hopeful, but they know who can hurt or betray them. So whenever a lady comes to you and says, i never knew he could hurt or cheat on me, take it with a pinch of salt. I'm not saying men cannot surprise women, all I'm saying is, they almost all the time, know it before we do it. So why do ladies still like the bad guys? Simple, it is because of their nurturing instincts. They all want to change them. They want to have the satisfaction of saying, i mothered him to goodness. they want to feel like the changing factor.

 Unfortunately it always never works and hence some of these woman become EMOTIONAL WRECKS and in effect EMOTIONAL VAMPIRES. feeding off nice and sensitive guys and dumping their resultant emotional baggage on them. So if want to wise up and spot the good ones instead of wasting time on the Vampires, here are a few things to know;

these are the signs to watch out for, if you want to know she is using you as an EMOTIONAL DUSTBIN

1. when she starts referring to you or introducing you to her friends and other people as her brother
2. when she only calls you with her credits when she is heart broken or hurt by her boyfriend
3. when she flashes and asks you to call her almost every time she wants to talk.

4. when she forgets for days and doesn't reply your texts or calls when she is not heartbroken or hurt

5. when she tells you she is busy anytime to you want to spend time with her
6. when she asks you for gifts and lunch and never remembers your birthday but gets annoyed you didn't buy her a birthday gift.
7. when she only calls you when she needs your help and never when you need her help.
NB. this is list is not exhaustive and there well may be a lot more signs, but these seems to be the most common ones.
1. Do not become a self appointed marriage counselor or relationship expert
2. If she ignores your advice, stop giving it
3. if she forgets your birthday and behaves it doesn't matter, return the favor after the third time
4. as soon as she starts calling you her brother, let her know you know all your family members and she's not one of them. If she persists, call her your sister and treat her as such, starting from teasing her and calling her funny names in public.
5. Finally, when she only calls when she needs something, you should also only answer when you feel like it.
I know some guys even after reading these will still go ahead and be used as EMOTIONAL DUSTBINS, luckily for you, this note will always be here for you.

PS. I know you have your own opinions and as such you will have your own view points, they are yours and you are entitled to them, so is everyone else. Have a good day. lol.