Friday, December 28, 2012

Letters to my future wife part 5.

My dear,
I know longer find words to describe your intelligence, politeness and discipline. Your words of advice and love just makes me want to run out and scream your name in the streets. Hahahaha. Do not worry, your sweetheart will not exhibit any signs of psychological constipation. I just want you to know that, I am taking every single admonition at heart and working very hard to be your Mr. Right. I must say, the curiosity of our readers is getting the better part of me and I know I promised to not to reveal your identity, but it is becoming harder and harder to contain the suspense. But for you, I will endure. I have been getting lots of encouragements and support from friends and readers and I keep telling them it is all about you. My dear, you inspire me to be a better man at everything I do. Thank you.

Today I want to talk to you about kindness and legacy. It is very rare to find young people thinking about what kind of legacy they would want to leave here on earth. It is as if, we have concluded that legacy is just for the old and ageing folks. However I beg to differ. Legacy is for everyone. I daresay, the earlier you work on what kind of legacy you would want to be associated it, the better it would be to shape and construct it. The word might sound complex and sophisticated and some have explained it in sentimental innuendos, but it is really a simple issue of what memory of yourself and impact you would want to be remembered for. In other words, if you are no longer alive and your name is mentioned, what effect and impact will your memory incite.  Will people cross themselves, shake their heads and thank God you are no longer alive? Or will they wistfully smile and thank God for the life you lived and the lives you touched? My dear, a good legacy is just like receiving the gift of immortality. Your name and deeds live on in all the lives you touched and all the people who had a better life and future because of what you did in their lives. 

Whether we are aware or not, our actions and inactions affect people. Everything we do, whether good or bad, publicly or in private, intentionally or otherwise has a rippling effect on everyone who is connected to us, regardless of wherever they are. So my dear, every action you take should be carefully evaluated and assessed on the basis of its effect on others. There can no longer be selfish acts or self-seeking causes. Believe me, if everyone lived with legacy in mind, oh what a world this one will be. My dear, can you imagine how Africa will transform and the kind of developments will occur? Can you fathom the transformation that will appear in our homes, institutions, schools, companies and societies? I believe this can happen. Maybe not as quickly as I hope but if everyone decided to start thinking legacy and act accordingly, this dream might not be that far off in the future at all. My dear, think good legacy always and let your actions reflect it.

Secondly, I want to talk about kindness. Kindness is perhaps the most important distinguishing virtue that a good wife and mother could ever possess. It is the foundational determining factor on which every other quality stands. It is the perfect demonstration of selflessness. Simply put, it is love in action. My dear, kindness is the not the same thing as pity. Pity is from an elevated position of self and a desire to alleviate a certain form of guilt or to feed a certain kind of vanity. Kindness however is from an equal ground of selflessness and a desire to bring people to the point of joy and peace one has had the privilege to enjoy. It is that pure delight in seeing others also enjoy the good things in life. My dear, being kind should not be an occasional gesture on special days in the year, which is just a cliché. It should be a permanent characteristic of your life every single day of the year, all year round.

 The most exciting thing about kindness is that, it actually brings pleasure to both the one showing it and the one receiving it.
My dear, you do not have to be rich to be kind. It does not matter how much you make or how much you have accumulated because kindness is not just the giving of things or money. It involves the selfless commitment of whatever is needed or necessary at any point to someone who might be in need of that particular resource. It could be your time, your love, your concern or sympathy or even just your presence. My love, be kind. No matter where, when or to who. It is one of the most precious virtues you can ever possess.

Finally, I will like to leave you with this quote
“You can gain more friends by being yourself than you can by putting up a front. You can gain more friends by building people up than you can by tearing them down. And you can gain more friends by taking a few minutes from each day to do something kind for someone, whether it be a friend or a complete stranger. What a difference one person can make!”
Sasha Azevedo.
Take care of yourself and hope to hear from you soon. Till then, it’s me
Your future husband,
Paa Kofi.

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