How then do you assume that something
can or cannot happen? If perception is but as a result of raw data influenced
upon by existing standards, experiences and prejudices, how can you say for
certain something is possible or not? Many have sought to teach, preach and
project certain personal development and positive mentality mantras along the
years all with varied results. Some advise that, to experience positive results
all you need to do is repeat certain lofty statements of affirmation and like
magic, your life will suddenly become better. Some insist on thinking about
fantastic ideas and living as if you already have the success and just like
clockwork, they will appear. I do not need to tell you the results of these
various philosophies of success; you are familiar with them already. My point
really is, how something appears to you may not exactly be the way it actually
is. It is literally based on what you “think” it is and this is also influenced
by your experiences, standards and biases.
Another very important factor is also
the position from which you happen to perceive a particular event or
occurrence. This is what I call your “point of view”. Depending on where you
happen to “see” an event, your perception of it is different from someone else
who stood at a different location. In effect your view point or your
understanding of an event is a combination of your location (point of view),
your experiences, standards and biases. So what you “think” you see may not
really be what actually is there. To some this truth may be very upsetting, but
to me, this is completely amazing.
What I mean is, you could gain
tremendous faith and optimism in every endeavor you embark on regardless of the
mitigating circumstances by changing your point of view and hence your whole
perception of the stumbling blocks. You could literally say unto the mountain,
move into the ocean of nothingness and it shall move. What you will discover
then is that, “it is all in the mind”!
Changing the position from which you
look at an occurrence can completely change the way you see it. Have you seen
the view of skyscrapers from an airplane before? They appear as tiny boxes and
shapes. What therefore really happens is
that, from an elevated position, even mountains appear as molehills! Regardless
of how intimidating or stupendous an obstacle appears, from an elevated position
it is not as big as you thought it was. You need to move to a higher level of
thinking. An elevated position of reasoning, creativity and faith.
Albert Einstein said “We cannot solve
our problems by being on the same level of thinking we were, when we created
them. We must move higher.”
The higher you can climb above your present
circumstances the smaller the obstacles become. Mind you, I am not suggesting
any ridiculous unrealistic naivety and cluelessness towards life. I am speaking
about being proactive, creative and unlimited in your thinking. The most
amazing of all inventions, ideas and achievements in this world were achieved
by people who saw a problem, changed their perception and point of view and
managed to create solutions to them. Your worth is determined by the solutions
you can provide to various problems. Your wealth is determined by your worth.
So in effect, your ability to get wealth is directly proportional to your
ability to solve problems! The bigger the problem and the more people are
affected by the problem, the greater the reward and the higher your worth
becomes when you provide a solution. You can however never solve any problem if
you remain at the same level of thinking you were when you encountered them.
"The higher you can climb above our present circumstances the smaller the obstacles become."
Change your location (point of view),
and you can change your view point of any event that occurs in your life. Never
believe everything you see. Problems are cunning, they appear as mountains. Do
not be deceived. They are just molehills. Go higher; you will see I tell the