Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Made in His image and Likeness

"Let us make man in our own image and likeness and let him have dominion over all the creatures of the earth, the birds in the sky and all the creatures in the sea". This is the call that went forth before man, the star of God's creation, was made. He was molded, crafted and breathed into by the almighty. The Bible says, male and female created He them. In his image and likeness. In effect the creature called man, was made to reflect the nature of God. The image of an object possesses certain characteristics that is inherent in the original object.

  "In effect, man is like God but man is not God."

At this point it is extremely essential to understand that, an image cannot have exactly the same characteristics like the original. There may be similarities concerning certain things, but the image is not exactly the same as the object. In effect, man is like God but man is not God. I have been studying a lot about the nature of God and which characteristics are expressly represented in man and i want to handle three very interesting ones. The first is

1. Omnipotence
Omnipotence is the ability of God to be all powerful. This means he is completely and ultimately capable of all things He sets out to do.What does this say about man. That all things are possible to them that believe. Man has been given power, ability. wisdom that makes him capable of all things he set his mind on. For as long as there is a dream and a will, there is always a way to accomplish it.The ability of man to do all things he set his mind on, within reason, is the express reflection of the Omnipotence of God.

2. Omniscience
Omniscience is God's ability to know all things. Now here is where the similarities change a little. As reflected in man, omniscience is the ability of man to know as much about anything he sets his mind on. The ability of the mind to acquire knowledge on any subject is phenomenal. For as long as man commits himself to seeking excellence in any particular field or endeavor, he is practically unstoppable. Omniscience as represented in man is about attaining authority in every field of knowledge or skill.

3. Omnipresence
Omnipresence is the ability of God to be anywhere and everywhere at all times. Now this is where it gets really tricky. Man obviously cannot be at everywhere at the same time, but he can be comfortable at anyplace and at every time. This is commonly called versatility. The ability to blend in, take control and dominate your environment regardless of where and at what time.

Expressing the image of God means exhibiting these characteristics as they pertain in the realm of man.

"A seed does not struggle to be a tree, neither does a cub struggle to be a lion." 

His ability to achieve goals, his ability to acquire knowledge and finally, his ability to effuse confidence and authority everywhere he goes. Remember these are innate abilities and you should not struggle to express them. A seed does not struggle to be a tree, neither does a cub struggle to be a lion. You should not struggle to be in the image and likeness of God.

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