Monday, July 8, 2013

SLAM it!

We are already half way through the year and i am sure a lot of people are wondering where the months went. Many are also disappointed because they have not been able to achieve the goals they set for themselves in the beginning of the year. Some are also wondering how they can achieve more. If you fall into any of the above categories, fear not, i got just what you need.
Today i want to introduce to a very easy, innovative and smart way of achieving your goals, improving your life and becoming successful and fulfilled.I call it the SLAM method. In effect you can simply SLAM all your goals.
When i say SLAM this is what i mean;

S- Simplify
You need to reorganize your goals, write them down very clearly, and set about breaking them down into simpler and smaller tasks.Arrange them in specific order and allot specific time limits to them. Put these tasks on a priority list and start with the most important task. Do this every day, going through all the scheduled daily tasks within the time range allotted.You will soon find that, even the greatest and biggest or even the most complex goals can be easily and quickly achieved by simplifying them.

The second letter is

L- Leverage
Leveraging means maximizing opportunities and utilizing all available resources to make the task easier to accomplish and reducing time, effort and cost. there are various resources to consider
a. OPK - Other People's  Knowledge- this is using the knowledge of others to make achieving your goals easier. This can be found in books, tapes, articles, videos etc. Whatever you have set out to do, someone has done it or something similar to it and hence the knowledge is readily available.Leveraging with other people's knowledge gives you a great start towards accomplishing you own tasks.
b. OPM- Other People's Money -this is just as it appears. There are lots of things you cannot afford by yourself at exactly when you need them, this is where you will need other people's money. Friends, relatives, colleagues and other people can make available to you soft loans with very flexible payment terms to make you financially capable. Remember prompt payment of soft loans is the only guarantee for further enjoyment of this leveraging resource. Show integrity.
c. OPI- Other People's Ideas- This is taking advantage of group discussions and team work.You don't have to do everything on your own or by yourself. Most times, people have ideas that can help you to achieve your goals faster and better. So seek the opinion of trusted acquaintances and friends. No man is an island or the sole repository of ideas.
d. OPE- Other People's Experiences- This is using the experiences of others who have already gone where you want to go to avoid traps, manage efficiency and increase your chances of success. This is where mentors, role models and coaches become necessary. There are basically two ways to acquire experience, you can endure the process and suffer loss or borrow the experience and avoid loss.

the third letter is

A- Accelerate
After you have achieved some positive results by simplifying and leveraging, the next step is to reproduce the same sterling performance on all your remaining goals by accelerating the process. The more you do, the better you become hence the faster you can get the same results. Apply this to all your goals.

the next and last letter is

M- Multiply
When you have attained skill and increased the speed of your work, the next step is to multiply your effectiveness. This is done by grouping similar task and doing them concurrently. For instance, almost all financial goals can be done concurrently. Getting out of debt, increasing your investment portfolio, attaining financial security, planning for retirement and overcoming impulse buying can all be done with a common simple set of steps and behavioral changes. All goals relating to time management can also be grouped and tackled. This is the way you can multiply your success in one task across a number of similar tasks.

 In conclusion, giving up on your goals is not an option. There is nothing like "too late". You have got six more months to get them done. Lets get busy and SLAM our goals. You can do it. keep WALKING.

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