Friday, May 31, 2013

For smart men and the women who love them

My dad and several wise men i admire have shown and lived by certain standards and i want to share them with you. These are but a few of the virtues espoused by smart men....
Integrity is defined as firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values. It encompasses a set of beliefs, behaviors and standards that govern your life. Standards of high morals, justice, equity, honesty and fairness. It is a conscious decision to live up to an impeccable reputation and to leave an unsoiled legacy. Smart men know that life is governed by certain principles amongst them is the law of cause and effect, so they make sure all the causes in their lives are positive. They establish a specific set of responses to life issues that are consistent to both their private life and public reputation. They leave no room for hypocrisy and deceit. Smart men have integrity.

Hard work
Laziness is the slower way to die. Death of vision, passion, usefulness and relevance. To be lazy is to be chronically ill. A man who refuses to work hard is not worth his name. Smart men love to work and not just anyhow but diligently and with passion. Mind you, hard work is not necessarily strenuous labor, but diligent, effective and efficient productivity. Doing things in a more sophisticated manner, looking for faster and more efficient way to do menial jobs and adding value and polish to simple things are all tenets of hard work. Smart men live everyday, finding ways to do their work faster and better.

Humility is the only potent antidote to the poison of pride and its consequent failures and disasters. Smart men know this and hence pursue it with diligence and seriousness. Humility produces the spirit of gratitude and a heart of forgiveness. Humility says “I am human and hence have my own faults. In as much as I want others to treat me with tolerance and forgive me when I offend them, I will do likewise and forgive others too”. It understands the grace and mercy of God and comprehends the blessings of God that makes one successful or prosperous. In this light, it strives not to put up airs or become boastful. Therefore smart men pursue humility and incorporate it into their character.

Smart men are visionaries. They have clear cut goals and plans to take them to their visions. They think two steps ahead all the time. They are cautious, careful and moderate. They make budgets and stick to them. Having a vision, they make decisions and evaluate their actions to assess its congruence to their visions. Without a vision a man cannot be called wise or intelligent. Smart men see beyond physical attributes and fashion in their choice of life partners. They look deeper into the character, life philosophy, vision and soul of any potential marriage material. Since they understand the temporary nature of beauty and shallowness of looks, they are careful to make long term decisions based on long lasting qualities. Smart women know these and work on them.

Smart men are honorable. They desire wisdom and carry themselves with dignity. They are hardworking and have a heart of deep compassion and self control. Any woman at all, regardless of her status in life, is proud to hand over her heart and with it her dreams, aspirations and future into their care. They know they can say with pride and confidence that, "this is my man, the head of my family and father of my children". Are you a smart man, or do you know one?

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