Monday, June 24, 2013


by Matilda Kafui Praise

One Saturday morning on my way to work, I decided to buy some waakye.  All l had on me that day was ¢10.00, l held it and a tissue l had in my hands so after buying the food and had to pay, I realized l had thrown the ¢10.00 away and held on to the tissue instead of it being the other way round. Honestly, l was so well dressed that day that, l wondered if the Waakye seller would believe me if l told her the money just got missing. I searched and searched all around yet to no avail, even  people around decided to help me search, still could not find the money, l stood there with my shades in my hands, still holding on to that tissue l mistook for my money as if it was going to turn into money, l could not bring myself to believe that l had in exchange threw away my money instead of the tissue.

As I stood there in a sad and confused state thinking of what to do, a young man offered to pay for my food, and he went on to ask me if l had enough on me for transport to go home, l was speechless and could hardly speak, with some difficulty l managed to say Thank you.

That a stranger would have compassion on me to help me at a time l needed it the most, left me in a state of shock. I was really touched.

The young man went on to say that the reason why he came to my aid was that he had also been in that situation before and someone had compassion on him and helped him out. I also learned from that experience to be there to help others as the Lord strengthens me.

Compassion is defined as the understanding or empathy for the suffering of others and helping them to come out from the suffering.

Compassion is what brings tears to my eyes anytime l watch helpless children on television in desperate need of help and love.

Compassion is what moves Dumega Courage Ahiati to embark on a social media campaign to collect 1000 books to set up a Library for the children of the King Jesus Charity Home in Kumasi.

Compassion is what makes Rita Pasini-Sanford to leave her country and move to other countries to meet the needs of homeless children and poor widows.

Compassion is what moved Jesus to heal the sick, raise dead and meet the needs of His followers.

You may not know the impact your compassion on others will have on others and their future generations.

Take these homeless children for instance, just the knowledge that someone out there cares and loves them, gives these children a sense of belonging and a feeling of love. 

Just imagine the joy and smile on their face anytime they see you walk into that children home to visit them and spend some time with them. How the children would run to meet you on the way with so much joy. 

This is what compassion made more effective with action can achieve. You can make a difference if only you would take the step to be a blessing to someone and to lend a helping hand to someone in desperate need of it.

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