Sunday, August 4, 2019

Golden Seeds of Life: Knowledge .

If I don't know something, I would rather admit that I don't know. Getting to the point where you know exactly how much you don't know is the beginning of knowledge. It is at this point that seeking can take place and it is only in seeking, that there can be the possibility of Discovery! Be humble enough to admit you don't know. Be passionate enough to seek relentlessly and then, be grateful when you find.
Afterwards seek to impart your knowledge in order to be a blessing to others. That is how the cycle of life and wisdom works. Be a part of the chain of knowledge. Don't be hoarder or a lake. Be a stream. Flow and nourish others. These are the golden seeds of a meaningful life.


  1. Thank you for being a blessing to others.

  2. Nice nuggets. Acquiring knowledge without sharing it is worthless indeed.

  3. Great. A stream, not a lake. Kudos!!

  4. Acknowledging that we don't know is mostly a hard nut to crack due to our ego, but I believe when we humbly admit it we become better off than walking around empty headed.

  5. I like your style of writing ,
    It is simple
    It is short
    And yet
    It is educating

    That is an example worth emulating

  6. Nice piece. Thank you for sharing
