Friday, August 9, 2019

Golden Seeds of Life : Live

Most of us have stayed in neighborhoods for a while now and yet have not ventured 5 houses on either side of our houses before. Others have taken the same route to work for over 5 years, and have never tried another route before. Most of us have not spoken to over 50% of the people on our contact lists in the last six months.
Some people have never struck up a conversation with a fellow passenger on a bus before. We have been numbed by our daily routines. We look without seeing, touch without feeling and listen without hearing. We have become tuned off and disconnected.
It is only about us, our work and our families. We are living and yet have never really lived a day before. Slow down once in a while and smell the flowers. Listen to the sounds around you and allow the wind to blow in your face. Enjoy all God has made. Instead of just enduring life and merely going through the motions, decide to live fully and bigly.

1 comment:

  1. I like your powerful quote
    We should be adventurous in life
